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Areas Of Study:
✪Astrology/ Astronomy
✪Homeopathic remedies (since childhood)
✪Decades of Successful Dream Interpretations
✪Tarot Card Reading
✪Rune Casting
✪Spell Casting assistance
✪Psychic Connections
✪Telepathic Connection
✪The Beyond
✪ Dream Analysis
I am Honest, Reliable and Dependable. I possess many gifts to share with you. Those with whom I have shared Will attest to My Authenticity.
✪ I have worked as professional clairvoyant for more than 30 years.
✪ Since birth I have been able to foretell of events to come and find missing objects or people as well as see the past, present and future of people, places and objects around me.
✪ I have always had the ability to Reach Beyond and communicate with those whom have left their bodies. One even described me as a light in the pitch blackness.
✪ I am empathic and can feel you.
✪ I Began Dream Analysis Study and Interpretation at age 12; attempting to comprehend dreams & nightmares. I have been successfully interpreting dreams and nightmares for decades
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✪ I maintain an open minded and non-judgmental attitude on a constant basis. Having mastered the art of Tarot reading, Astral travel, Chakra alignment, Remote viewing, Precognition, Channeling and more. I couple these mediums with my natural clairvoyance to provide you with a reading that is quick, clear, concise and without judgment. I am direct and do not sugar coat anything.
✪ I have the ability to read people with no more information than a photo. With my intuitive photo readings, I channel into the energy field of your image and receive visions of your past, present and future and harness these revelations into accurate and in-depth readings that answer your greatest questions.
✪ Are you wondering about that new boyfriend or girlfriend? Wondering about your kids? Do you want to know what they are really about, where they are going in life, if they are honest? Show me a photo, tell me nothing and I will tell you all.
✪ Are you wondering about yourself? Are you trying to contact someone who has died? I can help with all this and more.
✪ I have successfully performed many Crossing The Bridge / Life Celebration ceremonies.
✪ I have been successful in removing negative energies and helping replace this space with positive energies every time.
✪ I am very conscientious when spell casting to always include just the right words and elements.
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C.A.S.A (Citizens Against Spouse Abuse) Volunteer. - As a C.A.S.A Volunteer I can offer you the most informative, yet confidential counseling and referral services.
Founder of Magic Parents In Myrtle Beach
Makeup Team Head for Myrtle Beach Zombie Walk
Charity Drives for: Food, Clothing, Cancer, Heart Disease, Personal Injury and more!
About: CASA-Citizens Against Spouse Abuse
Mission: The mission of CASA is to provide intervention, safe refuge, counseling and advocacy for victims of domestic violence, and to disrupt the generational cycle of domestic violence in Horry and Georgetown counties through community education and awareness.
Populations Served: Low Income; Infants/Toddlers; Children; Adolescents; Young Adults; Adults; Older Adults
Social Issues: Civil/Social Action/Advocacy; Mental Health/Crisis Intervention; Crime/Legal; Employment/Work; Health; Housing; Human Services; Recreation
Your privacy is a major concern to me. I am discreet- Any information obtained while communicating with my clients is regarded as confidential.
Other Services Performed
✪ Counseling, Life Coaching and referral services Provide for all aspects of your existence.
✪ Perform cleansing and negative energy removal.
✪ Civil Unions can be legal.
✪ Crossing The Bridge / Life Celebration ceremonies for those who have left their bodies
✪ Spell Casting
✪ Naming Ceremonies
✪ Rites Of Passage Ceremonies
✪ Handfasting
✪ Handparting
Your privacy is a major concern to me. I am discreet- Any information obtained while communicating with you is regarded as confidential and will never be shared or sold.
See My Website To Contact Me or Book AN Appointment.

Rates: House calls or Online, I am available for real-time communications, Rates vary depending upon the service provided. Please see website or contact me for complete details
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